4 Months in Mexico


June - Start Anew


I started to work for the Internatioanl Office of Universidad de Guanajuato in Mexico. I have never gone to a big University so it was very difficult to understand how they organize. 


My Spanish was not good so everyday I was learning something new. Well, still ... 


July - Summer Research Project, Mom, New Housing


I started to help Summer Research Project. It was an amazing experience to interact with students from different country! 


My mom came to visit me too. I went to San Miguel de Allende every weekend too haha I love the city so much. 


I also went to Cancun with Harumi. It was super hot but I could make a spectacular memory with my hermanita Harumi :) 


I moved to a new apartment house in this month too.


August - New Semester


New semester began in this month and my students from Summer Research Project also left. Aw I miss them so much. But it was so exciting to see new students! 


I organized cultural event. It was soooo hard cus I had to message with more than 100 students .... but they shared their culture through dance performances, reading a poem, music, and some foods! 


One of the amazing things happened in August was my best friend came to work with me! The other wonderful news I got in this month was I was chosend to carry out a project in Japan :) hihihi 


September - Settled Down 


I guess September was when I feel more accustomed to this life in Mexico and I know more about the school system. I think I know most of the Campuses now too. Third week of the month I felt kinda sad but I had an amazing birthday and weekend trip in California. 

I could also contribute to the Expo and Forum International for the last week of September. It was such a busy week cus we worked from the morning till around 10pm everyday! But I really appreciated to everyone who worked so hard but did not complain. 


One of the best things  happened in this month was my SGI members have helped me so much with my problems. :) 


I appreciate to the people who are in my environment. 




Tomorrow, it is already October!

I will start one hour morning chanting and another one hour evening chanting. 

I will eat healthier and hit the gym too cus when I exercise constantly, that is when I am feeling happier and more energized! 

I will also find an apartment to share with Cristel. 

I will make sure to make the project 120% successful! 


