Immigration, VISA, CURP, RFC...

Finally, I signed the contract today!!!!!!

It took me so long since I started in February. LOL 


Yesterday was the busiest day!

I took a bus at 7am to go to Central de Autobuses, where I can take a big bus to go to another city called San Miguel de Allende. 


Around 7:45, I arrived at the Central de Autobus and bought a bus ticket, which cost $151 peso with Primera Plus. My sheet was the last one available.. OMG I was so fortunate. This bus is very comfortable and has a lot of services like wifi, Movie, and music. They give me a water or juice and a snack too. If it is a longer ride, like going to Mexico City (which is 4hrs ride), you get a bread or sandwhich, I think. 


From Guanajuato to San Miguel de Allende was almost 1hour. From there the bus stop in San Miguel de Allende, I walked to Institution of Migration to get sth called CURP. There weren't many ppl so I waited only 30minutes. I thought I can get Migration Card, but they told me it will take another 2 or 3 more weeks. 


After I that I walked back to the bus station and bought a bus ticket to go back to Guanajuato. I had 30 minutes. I was going to wait and relax, but I needed to go back and ask sth. I ran so hard for 5 minutes, and asked them a question, and I was going to run back, but I only had 7 more minutes. So I caught a bust that was going to take me to the Central de Autbus in San Miguel de Allende. But the driver somehow stopped randomly and police came to ask him what he was doig... Then I only had 2 more minutes left LOL 

I was like omg I will miss the bus. So I ran again, and lucky I could get in the bus LOL 


This time I bought a cheaper ticket which cost $113 with Flecha Amarillo. This one is cheaper because it makes some stops on the way to Guanajuato. I thought it will be 1 hour ride, but it lasted 2 hours! 


I only had the juice that I always have for the morning, so I was starving lol After I arrived at Central de Autobus in Guanajuato, I was going to eat sth but I had to go to the office, so I decided to go back directly by taking a bus. I thought I would have 10 minutes to eat something when I get to the university.  But again there was a huge traffic lol So I just went to the office and talked about my contract with my boss. And he helped me to get RFC, which is like Social Security Number in the US or マイナンバー to file tax.



So after all, I had my lunch around 5pm lol 


Midori sensei's Lunch box was so good.. She even made me and my roomies some mango smoothie. It was so good that I  felt much better! 






At 7pm, I went to yoga. It was with another teacher but he seems really experiences. I could focus well and breath smoothly. It was such an incredible day. But with all the help and effort, I could finally start my work!! 


I want to say THANK YOU to everyone <3















Juice it up :P

Midori-sensei and I have begun using a juicer to make a fresh fruits and vegetable drink in in the morning.



We have tried adding apples, papaya, guabaya, orange, celery, carrots, lemon, and spinatch:) Hopefully this will make me more healthy! This juice makes me really full and happy. It makes me feel excited to wake up :p 



This is a picture of my office. This building was once a hotel for visitors. So there are places to keep horses inside. 



I am really excited to work in this office! My co-workers are really nice and patient with me. Hope I can learn things quickly and help students to have an amazing study abroad experience.


















So much LOVE and SUPPORT

Today waa such an amazing day to me!!! 

I could sleep in and woke up around 11....  and Midori-sensei invited me for lunch. She made such a delicious hot sandwiches!!




After that her student took us to shop at Walmart. It was huge!!! I got a pair of rain boots before we enter rain season. I am size 5/21cm so I was gonna buy one from kids section lol 


Then we went to eat at a Japanese restaurant called Ryu. 









These are just a few pages from the menu but they have a lot of varieties. 








Aftet that we went to starbucks to talk more. 



And headed to a Japanese food shop called Toyo. 







In the afternoon I talked with my friends after sooo long too. We met in Costa Rica. I was really happy. I wanna see them next year in Ecuador;)



Now I am staying at my friend/senpai's has been 6 yrs since we met last time. Tmr there will be SGI Buddhism meeting at her home so I am so excited;) 







みどり先生のお弁当 My Lunch


Today, after arriving in Mexico on Sunday, I could finally sleep a lot. I woke up around 11 lol So I slept 12 hours.... Can't believe this lol


This afternoon I was going to have another training with my boss but it was canceled:) So I went to a cafe that I wanted to go for a long time! 


I went to this cafe frequently with my roomies 4 years ago. It wasn't changed except there wasn't a cat anymore. I have been ordering either cafelatte or cappuccino. So far I have tried Starbucks, ClubCafe, Cafe Italiano and Cafe Tal. 


I guess I spent 2 hours to study Spanish. 







Around 3pm I went to a park to have my lunch. I only had a half of avocado from yesterday for the breakfast so I was excited to eat :)












Ah today I found another place where I can do yoga. I will check it out later ;)


